Copyright © Holding Earth
Design by Dzignine
Sunday, August 26, 2012

Holding Earth Introduction

Welcome to the newly created Living Off the Grid (Holding Earth) official blog. This will serve a purpose as an experimental outlet for the members of our community to share their ideas and thoughts in a larger format. It should be emphasized that this blog is experimental. There's no telling where this blog project could go in time. Work with us and help make this great!

 From our Facebook Page:

Living Off the Grid is a community of like-mind people, both children and adults of all ages, from across the United States. We are starting a sustainable, eco-friendly community from the ground up in order to show others around the world that they too can make a better life for themselves, their family and others while respecting the environment and living in concert with the Earth and the many systems which make up our planet. Please help our cause by sharing this page with your friends, family and anyone else who might be interested in the many topics we will be covering.

We are a fledgling community made up of diverse individuals from around America seeking to live healthier lives while being self-sufficient and living in a sustainable, eco-friendly manner. Soon you will be able to witness our growth from a bunch of strangers with eclectic skill sets into a tight-knit group of friends and families who seek to better the lives of all creatures.

We are carpenters, businesspeople, artists, musicians, writers and most importantly fellow human beings who seek to teach others that they too can strike out on their own and make their lives what they want them to be. While we have diverse experiences that have led us to this point, we all believe that by working together and utilizing the techniques of permaculture, cob building, solar and wind power, aquaponics, and composting more we can lift up not only our own lives but the lives of others as well.

We seek to live comfortably, as everyone does, while knowing that what we are eating the healthiest food available, using renewable resources and living a lifestyle that works with the earth instead of against it.

Soon we will have a dedicated website and much more to help others make the same journey we are setting out on. We believe that if more people attempted to do this, many of the negative trends we see in society could be stopped and potentially reversed altogether.